Bhyve Hypervisor Freebsd ZFS
Get updated to at least Freebsd 11.0
Bhyve will function on previous releases after 10.2, maybe.
Install bhyve and bhyve grub:
pkg install vm-bhyve grub2-bhyve
Load kernel modules:
add these directives into /boot/loader.conf:
if_bridge_load=”YES” if_tap_load=”YES” nmdm_load=”YES” vmm_load=”YES”
We could load the modules manually, however I’ve had issues doing this the first time, but go ahead and try, maybe it will ‘just work’ for you.
kldload if_bridge if_tap nmdm vmm
When that does not work, (you might not even know at this point) just reboot and the modules will be loaded at that time.
Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf:
vm_enable=”YES” vm_dir=”zfs:zroot/vms” vm_list=”” vm_delay=”5″
If you’ve not already setup storage, lets do it now. If you’ve not changed the default name for ZFS, it should be ‘zroot’, find out by running:
zfs list
On this machine the output is:
NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT bootpool 144M 1.72G 142M /bootpool zroot 30.8G 860G 88K /zroot zroot/ROOT 17.4G 860G 88K none zroot/ROOT/default 17.4G 860G 17.4G / zroot/tmp 40.3M 860G 40.3M /tmp zroot/usr 11.6G 860G 88K /usr zroot/usr/home 8.55G 860G 8.55G /usr/home zroot/usr/ports 2.45G 860G 2.45G /usr/ports zroot/usr/src 633M 860G 633M /usr/src zroot/var 10.5M 860G 88K /var zroot/var/audit 88K 860G 88K /var/audit zroot/var/crash 88K 860G 88K /var/crash zroot/var/log 692K 860G 692K /var/log zroot/var/mail 244K 860G 244K /var/mail zroot/var/tmp 9.33M 860G 9.33M /var/tmp zroot/vms 1.62G 860G 500M /vms zroot/vms/freebsd1 1.13G 860G 1.13G /vms/freebsd1
As we can see, ‘zroot’ is the pool name. !Important If the pool is named something other than ‘zroot’ , you must change the directives we did a minute ago within /etc/rc.conf to reflect the proper zpool.
Create the storage:
zfs create -o mountpoint=/vms zroot/vms
vm init
If you get the error message “$vm_enable is not enabled in /etc/rc.conf!” ect… , this is due to the modules not being loaded as described earlier, just reboot and come back. Bookmark this page or check your history.
Now we copy the templates to the /vms directory we’ve created:
cp /usr/local/share/examples/vm-bhyve/* /vms/.templates/
Creating the network bridge VMs will use:
First lets find out what our inteface is called:
In this case the interface is called ‘em0’
vm switch create public
vm switch add public em0
Edit the template config files to use zvol instead of the IMG or iso You can use the iso, however we have ZFS for a reason don’t we.
Templates are located where we copied them to earlier: /vms/.templates
List all config files in the .templates directory:
ls /vms/.templates
Here are the default conf files listed:
alpine.conf centos7.conf debian.conf freebsd-zvol.conf openbsd.conf windows.conf centos6.conf config.sample default.conf netbsd.conf ubuntu.conf
Have a look at the debian.conf template:
loader="grub" cpu=1 memory=512M network0_type="virtio-net" network0_switch="public" disk0_type="ahci-hd" disk0_name="disk0.img" grub_run_partition="1" grub_run_dir="/boot/grub"
You can edit what you wish, but know what your editing, and what it will do.
To make use of zvol we edit both “disk0_name” & “disk0_dev” from the above to look like this:
loader="grub" cpu=1 memory=512M network0_type="virtio-net" network0_switch="public" disk0_type="ahci-hd" disk0_name="disk0" disk0_dev="sparse-zvol" grub_run_partition="1" grub_run_dir="/boot/grub"
Time to grab an iso, lets use freebsd: Head over to and grab 11.1
Copy the URL of the iso Running the following will snatch the image and deposit it locally.
vm iso
Time to create the VM: This will create a VM of freebsd named ‘freebsd11’ with a disk size of ten gigs
vm create -s 10G freebsd11
Now install the image we just downloaded:
vm -f install freebsd11 FreeBSD-11.1-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso
You will be asked to select [vt100] for the console type, unless you know what’s up otherwise, choose it. Now continue with installation as you would normally.
Once install is complete, log in and play, then type:
List all VM’s:
vm list
NAME DATASTORE LOADER CPU MEMORY VNC AUTOSTART STATE freebsd11 default bhyveload 1 256M - No Running (1923)
Start the VM:
vm start freebsd11
To destroy the VM:
vm destroy freebsd11
To edit the config file for specific VM:
vm configure freebsd11
This will open the config file in your default editor.
Get updated to at least Freebsd 11.0
Bhyve will function on previous releases after 10.2, maybe.
Install bhyve and bhyve grub:
pkg install vm-bhyve grub2-bhyve
Load kernel modules:
add these directives into /boot/loader.conf:
if_bridge_load=”YES” if_tap_load=”YES” nmdm_load=”YES” vmm_load=”YES”
We could load the modules manually, however I’ve had issues doing this the first time, but go ahead and try, maybe it will ‘just work’ for you.
kldload if_bridge if_tap nmdm vmm
When that does not work, (you might not even know at this point) just reboot and the modules will be loaded at that time.
Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf:
vm_enable=”YES” vm_dir=”zfs:zroot/vms” vm_list=”” vm_delay=”5″
If you’ve not already setup storage, lets do it now. If you’ve not changed the default name for ZFS, it should be ‘zroot’, find out by running:
zfs list
On this machine the output is:
NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT bootpool 144M 1.72G 142M /bootpool zroot 30.8G 860G 88K /zroot zroot/ROOT 17.4G 860G 88K none zroot/ROOT/default 17.4G 860G 17.4G / zroot/tmp 40.3M 860G 40.3M /tmp zroot/usr 11.6G 860G 88K /usr zroot/usr/home 8.55G 860G 8.55G /usr/home zroot/usr/ports 2.45G 860G 2.45G /usr/ports zroot/usr/src 633M 860G 633M /usr/src zroot/var 10.5M 860G 88K /var zroot/var/audit 88K 860G 88K /var/audit zroot/var/crash 88K 860G 88K /var/crash zroot/var/log 692K 860G 692K /var/log zroot/var/mail 244K 860G 244K /var/mail zroot/var/tmp 9.33M 860G 9.33M /var/tmp zroot/vms 1.62G 860G 500M /vms zroot/vms/freebsd1 1.13G 860G 1.13G /vms/freebsd1
As we can see, ‘zroot’ is the pool name. !Important If the pool is named something other than ‘zroot’ , you must change the directives we did a minute ago within /etc/rc.conf to reflect the proper zpool.
Create the storage:
zfs create -o mountpoint=/vms zroot/vms
vm init
If you get the error message “$vm_enable is not enabled in /etc/rc.conf!” ect… , this is due to the modules not being loaded as described earlier, just reboot and come back. Bookmark this page or check your history.
Now we copy the templates to the /vms directory we’ve created:
cp /usr/local/share/examples/vm-bhyve/* /vms/.templates/
Creating the network bridge VMs will use:
First lets find out what our inteface is called:
In this case the interface is called ‘em0’
vm switch create public
vm switch add public em0
Edit the template config files to use zvol instead of the IMG or iso You can use the iso, however we have ZFS for a reason don’t we.
Templates are located where we copied them to earlier: /vms/.templates
List all config files in the .templates directory:
ls /vms/.templates
Here are the default conf files listed:
alpine.conf centos7.conf debian.conf freebsd-zvol.conf openbsd.conf windows.conf centos6.conf config.sample default.conf netbsd.conf ubuntu.conf
Have a look at the debian.conf template:
loader="grub" cpu=1 memory=512M network0_type="virtio-net" network0_switch="public" disk0_type="ahci-hd" disk0_name="disk0.img" grub_run_partition="1" grub_run_dir="/boot/grub"
You can edit what you wish, but know what your editing, and what it will do.
To make use of zvol we edit both “disk0_name” & “disk0_dev” from the above to look like this:
loader="grub" cpu=1 memory=512M network0_type="virtio-net" network0_switch="public" disk0_type="ahci-hd" disk0_name="disk0" disk0_dev="sparse-zvol" grub_run_partition="1" grub_run_dir="/boot/grub"
Time to grab an iso, lets use freebsd: Head over to and grab 11.1
Copy the URL of the iso Running the following will snatch the image and deposit it locally.
vm iso
Time to create the VM: This will create a VM of freebsd named ‘freebsd11’ with a disk size of ten gigs
vm create -s 10G freebsd11
Now install the image we just downloaded:
vm -f install freebsd11 FreeBSD-11.1-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso
You will be asked to select [vt100] for the console type, unless you know what’s up otherwise, choose it. Now continue with installation as you would normally.
Once install is complete, log in and play, then type:
List all VM’s:
vm list
NAME DATASTORE LOADER CPU MEMORY VNC AUTOSTART STATE freebsd11 default bhyveload 1 256M - No Running (1923)
Start the VM:
vm start freebsd11
To destroy the VM:
vm destroy freebsd11
To edit the config file for specific VM:
vm configure freebsd11
This will open the config file in your default editor.
Alternatively or in addition to the above to install bhyve:
pkg install vm-bhyve bhyve-firmware bhyve-rc-3 grub2-bhyve
To ensure binaries built with this toolchain find appropriate versions of the necessary run-time libraries, you may want to link using
For ports leveraging USE_GCC, USES=compiler, or USES=fortran this happens transparently.
===> NOTICE:
This port is deprecated; you may wish to reconsider installing it:
Unsupported by upstream. Use GCC 6 or newer instead… Message from vm-bhyve-1.1.8_1:
To enable vm-bhyve, please add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf, depending on whether you are using ZFS storage or not. Please note that the directory or dataset specified should already exist.
vm_enable="YES" vm_dir="zfs:pool/dataset"
vm_enable="YES" vm_dir="/directory/path"
Then run :
vm init
If upgrading from 1.0 or earlier, please note that the ‘guest’ configuration option is no longer used.
Guests that are not using UEFI boot will need either loader=“grub” or loader=“bhyveload” in their configuration in order to make sure the correct loader is used.
Message from bhyve-rc-3:
Configuration is done completely though rc.conf. The rc script won’t touch any devices for you (neither disk, nor tap) so you need to make sure all of those have been initialized properly.
General setup:
kldload vmm
Make it persistent:
echo "" >> /etc/sysctl.conf cat >> /boot/loader.conf << EOF vmm_load="YES" EOF
Minimal example:
cat >> /etc/rc.conf << EOF cloned_interfaces="tap0 bridge0" bhyve_enable="YES" bhyve_diskdev="/dev/zvol/anything/bhyve/virt" EOF
ifconfig tap0 create ifconfig bridge0 create
service bhyve start tmux list-sessions tmux attach -t bhyve service bhyve status service bhyve stop
Multi profile configuration example:
cat >> /etc/rc.conf << EOF cloned_interfaces="tap0 tap1 bridge0" bhyve_enable="YES" bhyve_profiles="virt1 virt2" bhyve_virt1_diskdev="/dev/zvol/anything/bhyve/virt1" bhyve_virt2_tapdev="tap1" bhyve_virt2_diskdev="/dev/zvol/anything/bhyve/virt2" bhyve_virt2_memsize="8192" bhyve_virt2_ncpu="4" EOF
ifconfig tap0 create ifconfig tap1 create ifconfig bridge0 create
service bhyve start # start all service bhyve start virt2 # start individual tmux attach -t bhyve_virt1 tmux attach -t bhyve_virt1 service bhyve stop virt2 # stop individual service bhyve stop # stop all
(by default ctrl-b d detaches from tmux).